How real estate agents can use Instagram to grow their brand

The latest statistics from Instagram shows that this social media platform has 200 million daily active users, and while Facebook is still at the top of the pile, Instagram is no longer a platform agents should ignore.

Instagram is perfectly geared towards visual marketing and studies have revealed that users on Instagram follow brands for ‘surveillance.’ That’s right, followers want to keep tabs on you and your brand.

So what does this mean for you as a real estate agent?

Simply put this means that followers already have some brand interest or loyalty - and with our tips you will be able to repay your followers with engaging content.

The Do’s and Don’ts of sharing on Instagram

Using Instagram is really quite simple. However, there are do’s and don’ts that you should know about sharing on Instagram.

  • Link your business Facebook profile and business Instagram profile
  • Link your Instagram account on your Flex responsive website
  • Share photos of local events
  • Share ‘Around the Neighbourhood’ Photos
  • Share Interesting Property Features
  • Use Hashtags on Posts Sparingly

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  • Use Multiple Hashtags
  • Comment on Every Post
  • Add Text (Other than a simple ‘On Show’ banner or ‘Price Reduced’ banner)

Last thoughts

For your listing shares, you never want to skimp on the quality of your photos or videos. You don’t want to share every listing you get, just the ones that you think more people will be interested in. Think of your most extravagant properties and their gorgeous features and top quality amenities.

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Your listing shares can be something as simple as an extraordinary cedarwood balcony. Show part of the grain up close and then zoom out and snap a picture. If you are using your phone or tablet to take everyday photos make sure that they look professional before sharing.

Some may think that just because you are taking the photos yourself that it is okay to post less than stellar photos. Not true. For your real estate Instagram account, even when you are showing off your personality, you still want to promote yourself as consistently top quality.

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