Plan your real estate content ahead for the holidays
The holiday season is upon us and with that comes a well-deserved break, but don’t let your news section go stale in the time you’re away. Write your blogs ahead of time and schedule them to publish on your website.
Scheduling your blog
Before we cover a few topics to get through the holiday season, we take a look at how you can schedule your posts to be published on your website.
It really is as easy as selecting a date and time from your OMS dashboard. Once you have written your post, select the date and time as shown below and hit the save button. That is all you have to do!
Real estate blog topics for the holidays
Create a year-in-review broken down by neighbourhood, type of home or other criteria. If you want to get fancy, you might create an infographic or chart for easy sharing as well. You can use our suburb reports to find the data you are looking for!
Include great light displays, Christmas trees and other Christmas events, and feature local neighbourhoods that host special community events. Bonus points if you include a great photo or video.
Create a best-of list for New Year’s celebrations, including family-friendly, formal and fireworks. Be sure and link to the event websites so that revellers can get ticket information, hours and other details.
Create your own or interview a local contractor (and create a little cross-promotional opportunity for both of you.)
Scheduling your blog
Before we cover a few topics to get through the holiday season, we take a look at how you can schedule your posts to be published on your website.
It really is as easy as selecting a date and time from your OMS dashboard. Once you have written your post, select the date and time as shown below and hit the save button. That is all you have to do!
Real estate blog topics for the holidays
- End of year recap and an overview of what to expect in the coming year
Create a year-in-review broken down by neighbourhood, type of home or other criteria. If you want to get fancy, you might create an infographic or chart for easy sharing as well. You can use our suburb reports to find the data you are looking for!
- Local lights and events
Include great light displays, Christmas trees and other Christmas events, and feature local neighbourhoods that host special community events. Bonus points if you include a great photo or video.
- New Year’s Eve
Create a best-of list for New Year’s celebrations, including family-friendly, formal and fireworks. Be sure and link to the event websites so that revellers can get ticket information, hours and other details.
- December home maintenance checklist
Create your own or interview a local contractor (and create a little cross-promotional opportunity for both of you.)