New spellchecker on property features
We have added a new integrated spellchecker on the property features screen. Simply press the spellchecker button and the system will check your property description. Errors are highlighted in yellow with suggestion words and the option to ignore or add to your dictionary.
Every user in the OMS has their own custom dictionary - so words you add (e.g. your estate agency name) will only be used for you and no one else for future spellchecks.
New copy, paste, undo and redo buttons are also included and the property descripion, items included and excluded have been moved to the right side of the screen.

Every user in the OMS has their own custom dictionary - so words you add (e.g. your estate agency name) will only be used for you and no one else for future spellchecks.
New copy, paste, undo and redo buttons are also included and the property descripion, items included and excluded have been moved to the right side of the screen.