What are Google’s plans for Real Estate

Google has started an ‘onslaught’ on the real estate market with with real estate listings being imported and made available through Google Maps in the USA and detailed listing pages that contain most of the info you would find on the estate agent or property portal site. Is this the beginning of something much bigger? Is Google a threat to established property portals and estate agents?

An interesting interview with Sam Sebastian from Google.
It appears Google assists big brokerage firms to optimize their marketing strategies - isn't this a clash of interest as they obviously know their own products (e.g. Google Adwords) better than anyone else? Still even if they do, smaller agents can still compete with larger firms through products like Google Adwords.

In the end Sam Sebastian pretty much sums it up:
"...we don't have an evil plan for real estate...we wan't to give users the best possible experience...". 
So their goal is to enhance real estate listings through their products such as Google Maps, there is no evil plan to take over real estate...

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