100 FREE office and agent SEO websites setup in just 30 days!

On the 19th October we’ve launched our (industry first!) Free Office SEO profile websites, and on the 15th November we followed up with our Free Agent SEO profile websites.

We had a tremendous response from clients, and in just 30 days, we’ve setup 100 of these new profile sites on our platform. Agencies and agents have taken the opportunity to register and secure top SEO domains such as:

http://witbank-property-for-sale.co.za/,http://bushproperty.com/, http://securitycomplexes.co.za/, http://pretoriasmallholdings.co.za/, http://property-centurion-for-sale.co.za/, http://bestprop.co.za/,http://meproperties.co.za/, http://smallholdingspretoria.co.za/, http://rendapropertiesrentals.co.za/, http://property-randburg-for-sale.co.za/, http://property-bromhof.co.za/, http://stellenbosch-property-for-sale.co.za/, http://midrand.property.co.za/ etc!

Search Engines like Google take the domain name into account when ranking sites, so if you have highly searches keywords in your domain e.g. ‘property’ it will rank that website slightly higher. Take for example www.bushproperty.co.za, if you search for ‘bush property’ in Google.co.za the website is already ranked on page #1. These websites are search engine optimised. For example searching on ‘grietjie game reserve for sale’ in Google bushproperty.co.za again appears on Page #1.

office profile website sample

The rankings will off course vary from area to area and also determined by how competitive that area is, how quickly the search engines index your site, how often you load new listings,  whether you provide good quality descriptions and more. Entegral will also from time to time upgrade and optimize these agency and agent websites for better ranking.

So, if you haven’t secured popular domains for your area, you can still do so, click here for an overview and order form. The SEO office and agent profiles sites are free and carry no monthly costs, you only pay the yearly domain setup and renewal fee through Entegral.

Here is your chance to secure popular domains for you area and put it to good use!

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