MyProperty Namibia website revamp on it's way!

It's been long overdue and about time! Entegral Technologies has finally managed to allocate time to rebuild a completely NEW MyProperty Namibia website. is already Namibia's top ranked property portal, with for instance occupying the #1 spot for the search 'property namibia' in Google. With the new website we are aiming for a new look and feel based on the highly successful South African portal with a lot of focused placed on making the property searches as user friendly as possible, and working correctly in all major browsers.

We've tried out a new logo - well only a colour change - to the original MyProperty SA logo to give the Namibia site its own unique identification. Tell us what you think - a great idea or a no-go? We'd love to hear from you! Share your thoughts with us on our Facebook Page.

Keep an eye out on our blog fro progress made with the new MyProperty Namibia wesite.

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