Are your show houses listed on the internet for this weekend?

Today's technology has developed in such a way that it is certainly the first source for any one making a decision about buying or selling something.

Before a buyer jumps in his car and stops at the next best house with a for sale board on the front lawn, he'd probably done his homework first and browsed for listings on the internet that falls in the categories that he is interested in buying, made a list of his favourites and phoned the estate agent with the most listings in the area. 

The same would apply for listings on show over weekends.  Time is a scarce commodity these days and driving around in a suburb (or two) with the hope of finding an on show board on the side of the road, and then finding the property's actual location can be both time consuming and disappointing to the prospective buyer. 

Thus, you as the estate agent can provide prospective buyers with as much information possible and help them to make the decision before driving off to no man's land.  

If you are listing your stock on the OMS and advertising on MyProperty, be sure to mark your on show listings with show dates and times on the OMS.  The new mobile website for MyProperty now also has an on show section.  What's great about this is that when a buyer is driving around in a suburb or area of interest, his or her mobile phone will pick up their current location and supply a list of properties on show in that particular area.  If they are interested in on show listings in more areas, they can always use our drill down search and search according to town -> suburb and find the stock on show on another results page. 

You can increase the number of buyers visiting your show house each weekend simply by adding a date time, we'll even throw in the driving directions to make it that much easier!

Need help with setting a date and time for your stock online?  Send us an email to and we'll gladly assist!

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