New Google CAPTCHA AI system now on MyProperty South Africa
The widespread use of CAPTCHAs - the term for those mashed-up letter sequences you must type to “prove you’re not a robot” — are not just annoying, they’re also increasingly useless. As Google explained last year, algorithms can now solve 99 percent of the CAPTCHAs out there.
To counter this, Google developed an Advanced Risk Analysis backend for reCAPTCHA that actively considers a user’s entire engagement with the CAPTCHA - before, during, and after - to determine whether that user is a human. Read more here and here.
We are pleased to announce that MyProperty South Africa is the 1st property portal to implement this new innovation from Google that was only released yesterday. For estate agents there are 2 significant benefits:
1) Better protection against spam enquiries;
2) A more friendly & quicker interface for people to make enquiries;
Here is a screenshot below, you can also open any property listing on MyProperty and click on contact agent/make enquiry to see it in action.
Here is a short video from Google on the new technology:
The new technology will also be rolled out to MyProperty Namibia and our new generation Flex real estate websites soon.