Register your, .capetown, .durban & .joburg domain at a discounted rate.
Entegral clients can take liberty of this one day only domain sale special by registering any available, .capetown, .joburg or .durban domain at a discounted rate of only R99 excl VAT.
Secure your domain or any / before your competitors do!
Here are 5 good reason why you should register .joburg, .capetown, .durban (or, .com, .net) domains through Entegral:
1) Entegral is an accredited registrar:
2) Your domain is hosted on our state of the art cloud-based worldwide anycast DNS network. It ensures the fastest access times to your website from anywhere in the world with multiple DNS failover points. It also automatically scales with large traffic volumes. If your domain is unreachable, your website is unreachable. The cost for this premium service is included in your yearly domain fees.
3) You are listed as the registered owner of the domain (many service providers registers the domain in their own name which is incorrect).
4) Your yearly fees are paid on time to the relevant authorities. Failing to pay your fees can result in you loosing your valuable domain name.
5) We provide additional domain services. Such as linking multiple domains to your website, setup subdomains etc.
To register your domain, contact our support team with your full details (name, surname, physical address and PO Box, contact number and email addres) to register your domain at this discounted rate.