RE/MAX Heritage launches new Flex website

Since the launch of our Flex responsive website solution for real estate agencies we have been able to help develop sites for agencies, operating in some of the most scenic parts of South Africa and Namibia.

However with the launch of the new RE/MAX Heritage Flex website, we had the opportunity to develop a responsive website for an agency that operates in a UNESCO World Heritage Site, The iSimangaliso Wetlands Park.

For the team at RE/MAX Heritage, which operates in St Lucia, Mtubatuba, Hluhluwe and all the way up to Sodwana, a website that not only showcased the homes on sale but also the lifestyle of this unique area was high on their list of must-haves.

RE/MAX is a well-known global brand and it was important that the branding and overall feel of the website still reflected the design aesthetic of this brand. This was achieved by using the distinctive Entegral developed RE/MAX theme and then adding the elements that made it uniquely RE/MAX Heritage.

To find out how Entegral can assist you to find the right real estate solution or website for your real estate business visit today.

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