What marketing platforms are estate agents using in the USA?

Recent research from NAR reveals what marketing platforms are used by USA estate agents to market property listings. In short more than 50% of agents use the following 5 mediums to promote property listings:

1) MLS
2) Yard sign
3) Agent website
4) Open houses
5) Portals like Realtor.com

There are some interesting stats here:

  • 89% of listings end up on the MLS. Multiple Listing Service is huge in the US with hundreds of local MLS regions and is the default way to list property. As a result, most property transactions have a listing and a sales side with 2 different agents. The MLS concept operates in pockets in South Africa (In the larger metro areas like Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town and Bloemfontein mostly) but not on the scale of the USA.
  • 51% on the real estate agent websites. Note not company websites, this is further down at 43%. Personal agent websites are not huge in South Africa and Namibia but worthwhile to look at for extra exposure. Entegral offers Flex estate agent websites.
  • Only 12% on social networking websites like Facebook and Twitter. Are these agents missing out on potential leads? Possibly if you consider the advanced marketing opportunities available on Facebook, e.g. geo-targeting buyers/sellers based on location and interest.
  • Print in newspapers is still hanging on by a thread of 11%.
  • 1% advertising of property listings on TV - we assume this is on the local TV stations.

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