Innovative Flex website for Pieter Kotze Properties and his team of real estate professionals

If you need a website that can not only showcase your property stock but also highlight your rental management services, provide vital information or helpful calculators then our Flex responsive website solutions are just what you need.

For Pieter Kotze and his team of real estate professionals at Pieter Kotze Properties, their Elegant-themed Flex website is a one-stop solution for all their business needs. Not only are they able to advertise their stock in areas such as Durbanville, Buhrein, Kraaifontein, Vredekloof, and Brackenfell, too name just a few, they can also provide vital information in their Property Investors section, and help potential clients work out their affordability, bond or rental yield with easy to use calculators.

Backed by countless hours of development, their Flex powered website can do all of this no matter what device you are browsing on. This means that they do not need an extra mobile website and that the website will adapt to the device it is viewed from without compromising on design and functionality.

The dynamic team also makes use of our Office Management System which allows them to list and publish from one innovative dashboard to their own website and across our property portal network.

All of this leading-edge technology is available at cost-effective prices and packages that will not only suit your needs but also your pocket!

If you are ready to make the switch whether you are a franchise or independent agency do not hesitate to contact us or request a quote!

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