Why a professional logo matters more than you think

For any business there are numerous questions to answer before they open their doors - one of those questions undoubtedly has to be what the image is you want to send out into the world of your company?

One of the ways this is achieved is with your logo - think about it - Twitter, Facebook, McDonald's and Apple - you would instantly recognize their logos whether it is on billboard, website, business card or magazine. It just goes to show that a well thought out logo can draw in people.

It is so important that UK oil group BP spent £136m introducing its current sunflower design back in 2000.

Why should you have a professional logo in the real estate industry?

In a competitive industry such as the real estate industry, a professional logo can make you stand out in the crowd.

Sagi Haviv, partner at New York graphic design firm Chermayeff & Geismer & Haviv (CGH) - who has been a part of some of the biggest logo designs -  has been quoted as saying that:

“There are three essentials to a good business logo: it must be appropriate to the business; it must be memorable, and it must be uncomplicated in form.

Does your logo take these three essentials into account? 

A well-designed logo explains what you do, creates a favourable impression and because it will be used everywhere it needs to be designed in a format that will look good either on a website or on a business card.

For those reasons logos that aren’t designed in a design program will do you no favours, they will pixelate and will have a negative impact on the perception of your brand.

Example of an Entegral designed logo - this one for Steyn Realty

Designers that understand the principles of design can assist you to translate your brand into a logo that will create a lasting impression with clients - often using colour theory, ratios and fonts to create that perfect logo that will be unique to your real estate brand.

A professionally designed logo will also add to the visual appeal of your website - and as we have discussed before, visual appeal matters more to your business than you realise.

Worried that employing a designer will cost you an arm and a leg? Our Flex responsive website design packages also boast with an added extra feature of logo refinement - for a once-off fee our design team can redesign or design your logo for your business without breaking the bank.

If you hurry you can also take advantage of our special 50% off promotion on logo refinement until the 7th of April 2017!

For more information on our other Flex products, including logo refinement and responsive website design, please contact us today to find out more!

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