Word-of-mouth marketing still matters in real estate

It is almost impossible to track the influence of word-of-mouth marketing but it is still incredibly influential - here are a few ways to improve your word-of-mouth (WOM) recognition.

According to a study by Nielsen Co., 92% of consumers trust recommendations from friends and family over other forms of marketing. While WOM cannot be controlled, it can be encouraged.

Start in the community

For real estate agents, this means they should be active in the area the work in - this can be anything from sponsoring a local high school's rugby jerseys or taking part in a local event (proudly waving your branded banners or running in a 5k with a branded shirt)

The community will not only see you as someone working in the area but as someone that cares about the community, and therefore will be more likely to recommend your services.

Host an event

Don’t use this opportunity to sell a property - use this as a chance to make current, past and future sellers feel appreciated. For example, host a charity drive and ask guests to bring a wrapped toy, blankets for the winter, nonperishable food items or a bag of pet food for a local shelter.


Encourage your clients to share their interaction on your social media platforms or ask them if they would write a short testimonial for your real estate website. Take a photo with the new and old homeowner with the sold sign for example, post on your business Facebook page and encourage them to share it on their own pages as well.

Give thanks

Send a special gift to the person that referred a new client your way or give ‘welcome to your new home’ gifts. It doesn’t have to be large or lavish, even a small form of gratitude goes a long way.

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