Developer API updates: MyProperty reference lookup URL, Private Property sync, Flow living

MyProperty lookup

If you use the Sync API you can link your listings with your own reference number on the new MyProperty website as follows:

Should there be an enquiry on a listing, the email will also contain your internal reference number and link to the website.

Private Property listing flush

If you are implementing a new Sync listing syndication API project, and have existing listings from a previous system on a portal, you usually request the portal to remove listings and then bulk update everything through the Sync API. The exception was Property24 where you had to supply the existing Property24 ID in the portalListing ID object:

You are now required to follow a similiar process for Private Property and insert the existing listing reference number in the ID field (they are no longer supporting bulk removal of listings).

New portal support, Flow Living
A new partner portal Flow Living has been launched. Flow living supports rental listings only and is free to list.

To enable, save flowliving with enabled=1 through the Sync API and then simply include in your lising updates:
The portal is updated once a day.

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