Generate listing cards for your social media platforms in Base

It has become apparent that more and more estate agents are using their own personal or business pages on various social media platforms to gain exposure and market their real estate online.

With Base, our property management software, you will now be able to generate two various designs that you can use as an image to post on your Facebook or Instagram feed.

When opening a property in Base, you will note under the reports section the two latest editions to the brochure / report collection:

Look out for the "Just Listed Brag Card" and "Sold Brag Card".  Both of them generate in .png format - that instantly makes it possible for you to post this on to your social media channels.

Your "Just Listed Brag Card" will generate in the following format:

And when you sell a listing, you can generate the following format to show that it has been sold by you:

Base further allows you to select an appropriate colour that matches with your CI (if available from list) so that the graphic generated takes on the colours of your logo and business.

Simply click on the "Settings" icon on your Base account and select an appropriate colour palette that you wish to use on your Brag Cards.

The options are endless with the layouts, designs and what we can feature.  Should you wish to have your own type of "brag card" created that you can use for your social media channels, let us know @

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