New Flex premium feature: Map Search
Our team is working on some new premium add-on features for Flex websites that aims to offer new unique functionality for your clients and enables you to stand out from your competition.
If you are an estate agency that likes to provide your clients with an alternative way of finding property using a visual map, we have the perfect tool for you. The new Flex Map Search feature enables clients to view geocoded (map) properties in the area of your operation.
The new map search is now available as add-on for your Flex website at a R499 once-off setup fee and R99/month ex VAT. The setup and monthly fee covers the map license costs as well as further feature development we will do on this component.
See the example here on our Flex Elegant template demo website:
To add to your Flex website simply contact our helpdesk on
Learn more about our Flex responsive real estate website platform here, and see how it can power your agency, group or team websites.
If you are an estate agency that likes to provide your clients with an alternative way of finding property using a visual map, we have the perfect tool for you. The new Flex Map Search feature enables clients to view geocoded (map) properties in the area of your operation.
- Different markers is used depending on whether you geocoded your listings or not.
- Price indicator is shown below the marker for quick reference.
- Where there are multiple units on one point (e.g. apartments) these properties will be grouped under a single marker with a scrollable list.
- The map search is responsive, so will work on mobile devices too.
- Listings are dynamically added or removed from the map when the status, price and type filters are adjusted.
- This is ideal for agencies that have a large portion of geocoded (mapped) listings.
The new map search is now available as add-on for your Flex website at a R499 once-off setup fee and R99/month ex VAT. The setup and monthly fee covers the map license costs as well as further feature development we will do on this component.
See the example here on our Flex Elegant template demo website:
To add to your Flex website simply contact our helpdesk on
Learn more about our Flex responsive real estate website platform here, and see how it can power your agency, group or team websites.