Local area expert? Promote your area via video on MyProperty
We've introduced a great way for estate agents to promote themselves through the MyProperty channels via our neighbourhood expert profiles as can be seen below:
Read more about MyProperty and how we are changing the way you look at property portals here.
If your estate agency is not already on MyProperty, you can get your feed imported from external service providers for only R99/month.
If your service provider cannot provide a feed, why not capture via our Base system for only R599 a month and enjoy a range of other great features.

You can now also showcase neighbourhood videos at no additional cost, which is a first for a South African property portal. You simple need to create a great YouTube video where you give an overview of your neighbourhood and send the link to us for evaluation. This offer is only open to estate agents that already have neighbourhood expert profiles on MyProperty (We will open for new submissions again later).
As can be seen in the example below, we will include it as part of your neighbourhood overview, which will give you some awesome exposure. Now that's not all, great area overviews will be promoted on our social channels, including the MyProperty Facebook and Twitter channels at no additional cost to you.
As can be seen in the example below, we will include it as part of your neighbourhood overview, which will give you some awesome exposure. Now that's not all, great area overviews will be promoted on our social channels, including the MyProperty Facebook and Twitter channels at no additional cost to you.
Read more about MyProperty and how we are changing the way you look at property portals here.
If your estate agency is not already on MyProperty, you can get your feed imported from external service providers for only R99/month.
If your service provider cannot provide a feed, why not capture via our Base system for only R599 a month and enjoy a range of other great features.