Track any marketing campaign with Flex and Base


If you run any sort of online campaign (e.g. Facebook, Google Ads, or other paid advertising) for your real estate business, chances are you would want to track the return on investment. In most cases, this would translate to the actual number of leads generated for that campaign, and to be more accurate the new mandates or sales generated from those leads. Knowing where best to spend your money is part of our goals with Base, and why you can already automatically import leads from all the portals within a few minutes. This gives you great transparency to identify lead sources by a portal, but what about your own campaigns?
Most marketing tools like Google or Facebook Ads will provide native reports with insights into the number of leads and cost per lead. But how do you know the source of the campaign the moment the lead lands in your inbox?
Now consider those links you add in your email signature or somewhere in a news article that offers a free valuation. How would you know if those generate leads? How about a referral campaign through existing clients, can you easily pinpoint the reference without having to build special forms or asking clients where they found you?

Enter Flex's new campaign tracking feature

This new feature allows you to automatically track leads back to any source campaign you've defined on your Flex website via a special and very easy-to-use link parameter. On the link below we've added "cmp=Facebook Spring Campaign" to our listing link to track a 'Facebook Spring Campaign': Spring Campaign 

Once you post and promote it on Facebook anyone that clicks on that link will be tracked on your website. If they end up enquiring within 60 days, you will be able to see that source campaign on the lead email and your Base inbox notification as 'Facebook Spring Campaign'.

Your campaign name can be anything and you can use listing pages, your home page, search results, and your free valuation form as links. For example, you can insert a free valuation link in your signature as email signature. Should anyone click on that and capture the free valuation, you will be able to track it back to 'John email signature'. What is cool, is even if someone clicks on the free valuation link, but ends up browsing your website and making an enquiry on a listing, the source campaign will still be tracked.

The lead email will look something similar to this in your Base Inbox and email with a new 'campaign' field:

The tracking service is offered free of charge to all Flex clients, but you need to notify our helpdesk to enable this on your website to start using it. Visit our help article here for more info, or hop onto a live chat with our team if you have any questions.

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