OMS setup: delete/disable/enable users

We’ve applied changes to the delete user account section as follows (available under setup/office members/user account to office administrators):

You now have 3 options available:

  • Disable this agent: it will transfer all active properties to the agent you selected, before disabling the account. Disabling the account will remove it from your website and also prevent the user from login in but will keep all inactive properties under their name – which is good for statistical purposes in reports. You can recall any of the inactive properties under this agent and make it active again under a live agent.
  • Delete this agent: It will transfer all active and inactive properties to the agent you selected, before permanently deleting the account.


  • The third option is to re-enable a user, and is only shown for disabled users. This will enable the user again in the OMS and they will be able to log in using their last username and password. They will also be restored on your website within the hour. To access disabled users click on the ‘show disabled agents’ under office members:




  • You can still find disabled user’s inactive listing stock under the advanced search by selecting one of the inactive statuses (e.g. expired, sold, inactive).
  • The option to remove properties for an agent in bulk was removed. The reason for this is that we want to keep historical data for you on your account related to property listings and users loaded – which is very important for some future reports to be rolled out. Inactive listings also have no impact on your OMS package (as this only looks at the number of active listings).

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