Base syndication status filter and re-assigning leads

Filter portal status
You can now easily filter on active, pending or error statuses for listing syndication on your listings landing page in Base.

Re-assign leads to another user
Automated leads import is a great way to centralize all your leads in your Base inbox and convert them into contacts you can track. We've now also added a feature to re-assign leads to other agents:
- Simply open the lead
- Click on Reassign:

- Select the agent to reassign to, by entering the 1st few letters of their name
- Add a note that will appear on your reassigned lead:

- The lead is now removed from your inbox and will appear in the other user's inbox as follows:

They will also see your note and have the ability to `action` it like a normal lead including converting it into a contact.

Automated leads import
We've done a few tweaks on the automated leads import, if any of your leads are not importing into Base correctly please let our team know so we can tweak our algorithms.

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