Base Zapier Property triggers: Automatically post new properties to Facebook, and more

Base allows you to automate your real estate business with connections to thousands of popular apps via our Zapier integration.


Now we've added much-requested property triggers. It will trigger when a new listing is loaded, or an existing one is updated, allowing for a lot of flexibility in building custom workflows. Essentially, allowing you to send your listing data to popular (external) apps.

We, however, went the extra mile and created filters for the triggers as shown below. It allows you to filter specific listings, e.g. only for sale or rental, specific agents, price range, property type, etc. If the conditions are met, the trigger will fire and kick off your workflow. 

This can even be used to auto-publish your listings to a Facebook or other platform. We've created this template to get you started. We included a 30min timer to allow sufficient time for the listing to reach your website.

New to Zapier? Check out this help article to get started.

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